Saturday, July 21, 2018


Hello, welcome back.

Mohon maaf karena kegalauan dan ketidakstabilan saya dalam mengelola blog ini. Tapi saya akhirnya, pagi ini, tanggal 21 bulan 7 tahun 2018, memutuskan untuk pindah blog lagi. Saya membuka kembali blog saya yang paling awal, alias blog saya yang paling pertama saya punya seumur hidup, dengan domain baru yang sudah saya ganti pula yaitu di dari semula bersubhost luvlesshotaru. Setelah 7 detik di sini, Anda akan diredireksikan ke blog tersebut.

Saya ingat mungkin dulu saya membuat blog ini karena tidak mungkin blog yang sana saya pakai buat tugas di kampus. Tapi sekarang sudah tidak ada lagi tugas-tugasan di kampus, jadi saya mau fokus di satu blog saja daripada banyak-banyak.


I'm redirecting this blog to my new but old blog account. I'm importing all the stuff in this blog there, without changing anything at all.

Thank you in advance for your understanding.

SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE, literally! wwwwwwwwwww

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Some Sort of Introduction

Yo! This is … Pudy.

Now I’m officially using Blogspot. I had been in dilemma for a few days because I couldn’t decide which domain I wanted to use. I had tried Wordpress but I felt lack of something there. I wonder if I could use LiveJournal. But since mostly my friends use this domain, I ended up with Blogspot though (-__-)

So hello, again. My reall name is .... (guess? lol) I usually short my name as Pudy Kusumaningrum just to make it sounds cool, and feels a bit “western”. I am now a 6th semester student of English Department of Universitas Gadjah Mada, class of 2010. This “GERASCOPHOBIA” blog will be filled with assignments and anything else that my lecturer give me in Creative Writing class. Lol, no, JK. Just Kidding :p I might use this blog to spam some other random things as well, just some trashes that I’d put under the category of “non assignment“, because apparently all of my blogs in other domains are dead (including my main blog) Orz
So maybe, just maybe, later on I will fill this blog with some original fictions of mine. But I don’t know, it hasn’t been decided yet.

Since my blog address has “theydidnt” as its element - just like any other gossip blogs in next-door domains, then I’d talk a little about myself… But later, I’m too lazy to do it now *runs away*

Maa. I think the introduction is enough. This first post is just for formality though, so that my precious new baby won’t feel lonely (what am I saying?). Hope you enjoy your visit here, because I’m pretty busy with other things. But from now onward, this blog will be filled every – I mean, EVERY – week for the next six months.

Please treat me well!
Hota – no, Pudy.